Year 2

Welcome to the Year 2 Class Page where you will find curriculum and homework information.


Year 2 is top infants! The children have been establishing themselves as independent learners through Reception and Year 1. In Year 2 we harness these learning behaviours to develop our learning through different strategies and questioning to reflect more maturely on our individual and group work. We deepen our understanding of the skills involved in being a mathematician, writer, reader, scientist, geographer, sport person, historian, artist and engineer and use our talents to serve each other and the broader community. 

Year 2 Team

Miss Brien- Class Teacher

Mrs McWilliams- Teaching Assistant


Year 2 Welcome Presentation click here


Please click on the icons to see what Year Two have been doing recently.

Frida Kahlo

Year 2 started the year looking at the work of Frida Kahlo who is famous for her self portraits. We used this to inspire our own self portraits.