Oscar Romero Rangers
The Oscar Romero Rangers have all been voted for and each class from yr 2 to yr 6 have been selected. Thank you to all those children who put themselves forward to be voted for.
We've decided that once an Oscar Romero Ranger, always an Oscar Romero Ranger, so the children who were voted for last year will still be able to wear their badge with pride. The 4 Rangers in year 6 have attended a conference in Bournemouth with Miss Kelly and Mrs Callaghan and have come back to school full of eager enthusiasm to get their charitable work rolling.
Sensory garden donations
Sensory Garden Project
Following the Social Justice Conference, our Year 6 Oscar Romero Rangers have created a plan for developing a sensory garden in our school grounds. the children identified that many in our school community could benefit from a calm, peaceful garden that engages all of the senses. Press the button below to view their action plan for the year ahead.
Action planTwo Saints Charity
This term our Oscar Romero Rangers have once again chosen to support this local charity during the season of Advent. Each class is being encouraged to fill a rucksack with items that the homeless and vulnerable may be in need of during the winter months. These items include toiletries and snacks (that don't need heating). The deadline for donations is Friday 13th December.
Harvest Collection for Sophie's Legacy
EARA Meeting
EARA Meeting at St Mary's Gosport.
On Wednesday 18th October our Y4, 5 and 6 Oscar Romero Rangers attended the first Fareham and Gosport EARA meeting. EARA stands for Equality and Rights Advocates. During the year we will be looking at what we can do in our school to raise awareness and be proactive in promoting the Rights of Children.
Social Justice Conference September 2023