

At St Jude’s we want all members of the school community to become confident, creative and independent mathematicians who have a bank of solid mathematical facts to draw upon and apply to novel situations. We seek to nurture a growth mindset in all where learners can achieve more than they think. At all times, mathematical vocabulary is explicitly taught, modelled, and expected so that rich conceptual links are made. All staff are enthusiastic about maths, drawing attention to its use in everyday life and sparking excitement and curiosity in pupils. Misconceptions are used as teaching points, and mistakes are celebrated as valuable and as necessary points in the learning process.



  • Regular use of numberless word problems so that concepts are fully explored, all can access and rich mathematical discussion and conjectures are valued over final answers. A regularly changing display in prominent position celebrates this pedagogy, with contributions from all year groups (R-6).
  • Learning is varied: pupils might work independently, with talk partners, or in groups of differing sizes
  • Learning is presented in real life contexts where possible, and meaningful links to other areas of learning (mathematical or otherwise) are made
  • A range of mathematical resources from a variety of providers are used, including: NCETM, NRich, ISEE Reasoning and Problem Solving, CGP, Dip n Pick, Can You Convince me
  • Home learning is centred on 15 maths facts to be learnt over the year which are set weekly and then revisited with regularity. Facts are only given to be learnt once they have been taught in class. Little and often (daily) is key. Achievements are celebrated with bronze, silver and gold awards in KS2 and shape awards in KS1. Maths facts are referred to and quizzed in class.
  • With very little exception, all pupils are exposed to an age-related curriculum and also supported to fill gaps from previous years curriculum
  • Yearly long-term plans follow the National Curriculum and are structured for constant revisiting of material.  Daily formative assessment informs the learning journey, Plans annotated with names of groups of learners and their likely next steps, and adaptations made where necessary


  • Growth mindset is promoted- use of Carol Dweck work, linking to learning values of school
  • Mathematical vocabulary is used accurately in class, both by children and adults, and displayed clearly in the learning environment. Sentence stems are provided when necessary.
  • Misconceptions are picked up quickly and addressed on either a whole class, small group or 1:1 basis. Where individual feedback is needed, this is carried out as soon as possible (either within the lesson or later that day)
  • Learning objectives are clear, and success criteria shared with children
  • Expectations are high: teacher questioning of all pupils is paramount to reinforce learning; expose misconceptions; and deepen understanding
  • Teachers implement the school calculation policy which is sequenced according to progression of skill rather than chronological age of the child
  • Regular re-cap of previous learning in form of ‘Can you still’ at start of lesson or during morning registration or at other points in the day (repeat, reinforce and revisit)

Assessment and feedback:

  • Teachers assess according to the Hampshire Assessment Model, where objectives from the NC are assessed in different phases and then built upon and revisited throughout the year
  • Feedback is given verbally where possible, and through marking in books which might include questions posed; worked example completed by the teacher; or the suggestion of a strategy to use


  • Access to regular CPD from HIAS courses, external providers, internal coaching and collaborative lesson study. Teachers are encouraged to ask questions, to seek support and to share good practice
  • Attainment and progress of all learners is discussed and actions agreed at termly pupil progress meetings
  • Maths books and planning are regularly monitored and any questions or issues arising are swiftly dealt with


  • Children are confident in their own abilities and can talk enthusiastically about their learning
  • Children are happy to ‘have a go’ even if the approach is not immediately obvious
  • Children are aware of the relevance and importance of what they are learning in relation to real world concepts
  • Children use accurate mathematical vocabulary in a range of contexts which demonstrate their understanding (heard in class and pupil discussions as well as recorded in books)
  • Rapid recall of number facts allows children to progress at an expected rate (or quicker) and frees more time and space for the application of these facts within increasingly challenging problems
  • Children master the mathematical concept or skill by showing it in multiple ways, using accurate mathematical language and independently applying it to new situations
  • Teacher assessment of pupil attainment is increasingly accurate
  • High standards are achieved, with end of KS at least in-line with national and local data (and an increasing proportion of children demonstrating greater depth standard)
  • At the end of each year group, we expect that each child has become fluent in the fundamentals; can reason mathematically; and can solve problems within the programme of study for their year group